Game Discovery App

GitJavaScriptTypeScriptReactGithubChakra UI

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Welcome to the Game Discovery App!

This application allows users to search for and discover new games using the Rawg API. Users can filter games by genre, order, and platforms. The app is built using React, TypeScript, Chakra UI, and Framer Motion.


  • Search Games: Users can search for games by name.
  • Filter by Genre: Filter the games by various genres.
  • Sort Games: Order games by different criteria such as popularity, release date, etc.
  • Filter by Platforms: Filter games by specific gaming platforms.
  • Smooth Animations: Framer Motion is used to provide smooth animations and transitions.

Tech Stack:

  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • TypeScript: A superset of JavaScript that adds static typing.
  • Chakra UI: A simple, modular, and accessible component library that gives you the building blocks you need to build your React applications.
  • Framer Motion: A library to power animations and transitions.
